How to Get Rid of Scorpions
Scorpions hide during the day and emerge at night in search of food and water. They generally shy away from people, but can sting if agitated.
By making your property unappealing to scorpions, you are also reducing the chance they will get inside your home. Scorpions themselves are hard to kill unless you make direct contact with the pests themselves. Instead, you will want to treat your property for the small insects scorpions prey on, like crickets and spiders. Scorpions are less likely to live on your property if they cannot find a food source.
To treat your property for scorpions, select an insecticide labeled for scorpions and their prey, such as Demand CS. Other insecticides labeled for scorpions include Onslaught FastCap and Demon WP.
Do not blanket spray your insecticide, instead, apply to cracks, crevices, and voids where scorpions could be hiding. Consult the label of your insecticide for how often you will need to re-treat. Areas with high heat (90 degrees F and hotter) and lots of direct sunlight will require re-treating more often than shaded, cooler areas.
Use Glue Boards to Monitor an Infestation
Glue traps are a simple way to catch scorpions and their food sources. They also allow you to monitor the infestation. As you treat, you should see less insects and scorpions on your glue traps.

Scorpions are found throughout the southern United States from coast to coast. Only one species of scorpion found in the United States could be considered dangerous, and it is found in the extreme southwest in Arizona and southern California. Still, only small children and the elderly are at risk of a fatal sting from this species. Any scorpion sting, however, can be serious to anyone that is allergic to insect stings. A physician should attend to all stings.
To reduce scorpions around a home, eliminate as many piles of items or debris on the ground and keep dense vegetation to a minimum.
All scorpions glow green under black light, so a portable black light can be used outside at night to find where scorpions are harboring.
When a home is chronically invaded by scorpions, it is best to seek the services of a professional such as Terminix® to achieve long-term relief.
Today, an estimated 1,500 species of scorpions call the planet home. However, here in the United States, only approximately 90 species of scorpions can be found. No one wants to be stung by one of these fearsome-looking creatures. Even in mild doses, the neurotoxins contained in scorpion venom can attack the central nervous system. How serious is a scorpion sting, and what should you do if you get stung?
An effective way to help avoid being stung by a scorpion is to understand why they sting at all. Scorpions are hunters. They use their venom — contained in their characteristically hooked tail — to paralyze the small insect prey on which they feed and to protect themselves against predators. Once incapacitated, a scorpion can then grasp its prey with its other distinctive feature: its prominent claws.
Though rare, scorpions do sometimes sting humans. Of course, no matter how aggressive it is, scorpions probably don’t sting humans in hopes of enjoying a feast. Human stings are most often due to the scorpion feeling threatened. Their sting is their best defense against being attacked or getting crushed.

While some scorpions are merely a nuisance, others, like the Arizona Bark Scorpion can deliver a truly nasty and dangerous sting. You can cut your risk of encountering any scorpions by taking some wise preventative measures to protect your home and family. From clearing away scorpion friendly debris to using a blacklight to spot these pests at night, these tips will help you create a scorpion free environment for your family.
Scorpions like the dark, so the debris and decorative items you have in your yard could be attracting the pests to your home. Eliminate any easy scorpion abodes, including piles of leaves, rocks or wood, old flowerpots and furniture and even decorative pieces that offer too many shady crevices to hide in to cut your risk of encountering a scorpion
Check your home for loose shutters, windows or siding that could offer a place for scorpions to enter. If your doors and windows allow a draft or breeze to enter your home, then they are big enough to admit a scorpion as well, so seal any drafty spots right away. Trim trees to eliminate the risk of scorpions entering your home from the roof or second floor.
Scorpions are nocturnal creatures that are active after dark; if you will be outdoors after nightfall, a black light flashlight can help you spot a scorpion before you step on it. Check paths and walkways before stepping down to be sure you stay sting free.
Hire an exterminator to treat your home for related pests; ants, roaches and grasshoppers are all prey animals for scorpions. If you have a lot of these insects in your home or yard, chances are you’ll have a lot of scorpions preying on them as well.

How to Get Rid of Scorpions
Although scorpions are typically found outside, they have been known to invade homes and even cause infestations. To avoid contact with them
Prevention. Thoroughly clean the inside of the house. Carefully pick up all laundry and debris cluttering the floors. Popular indoor hiding places for scorpions include closets, piles of laundry, attics, bathroom or kitchen cabinets, and crawl spaces. If they get into your home, they are usually found in secluded dry areas such as closets and garages. Clean other rarely used spaces.
Think like a scorpion. Know what scorpions like and where they hide. In general, scorpions are drawn to dry areas and their main sources of food are usually small insects and spiders. By keeping your home insect-free, it will make it much less likely that scorpions will be a problem, so general pest control is recommended
Eliminate hiding places. By controlling scorpions outside the home you can also control them inside your home. Remove debris such as loose rocks, stacks of firewood, boards, piles of leaves, tree bark, trash and other unnecessary things around the home. Scorpions like to keep out of the sun by hiding beneath objects so remove these ideal places to hide. They love these areas not only because they provide harborage but because they can find other pest here that they can eat.
Trim and prune. Keep your lawn mowed short and all shrubbery nicely pruned. Trim trees branches and bushes so they don’t reach the exterior of your home. Overhanging tree branches and overgrown bushes can give scorpions a direct path to the roof.
Deny access. Seal all points of entry such as outdoor cracks on the home (e.g. siding, windows, doors, pipes and wires) with caulk or another sealant. Check weather stripping around doors and make sure there are no gaps. Scorpions can get inside your home through torn screens, open vents, and other openings.
How to Choose the Right Pest Control Services for Your Needs
Pests are searching for food, water, and shelter – just like us! Unfortunately, they don’t pay rent, and very few people want to see a cockroach sharing their home. Pests do not need to be a fact of life. Proper pest control services performed regularly can keep your commercial building free of critters. There are a few key factors which you should keep top of mind when choosing the right pest control services for your needs!
Close to Home: Keeping Your Pest Control Services Local
Bugs are beyond gross; they can be dangerous as well. Scorpions, spiders, and rats are only a few of the reasons services are often called upon. Disease-carrying pests can damage your home, harm pets, and cause illnesses to humans. One reason to choose a local pest control service is that they know exactly what types of vermin are likely to show up. You can’t treat what you don’t know, so finding a service who is knowledgeable in the regional pests is crucial. Besides that – when you have a problem, you want it dealt with immediately! Be it a single roach crawling across the bathroom tile or a full-blown scorpion infestation, it’s better not to wait. The right pest control service for your needs is the one who can be there immediately.
Residential or Commercial: A Good Pest Control Company Comes Prepared
Going local with pest control services specific is a great first step, but not the only one. Choosing the right services for your problems takes a bit more research. Checking to make sure they’re licensed and insured to deal with the particular pest you’re plagued with is the first step in picking an exterminator. They should be able to readily produce paperwork proving their qualifications. If they can’t, or they make you feel uncomfortable for any reason, you should walk away. A giveaway for a company who’s just seeking to take your money and run is if they’re unwilling to provide explanations about their pricing, services, or pesticides used. There’s no shame in needing to double-check their facts, but an outright refusal means you refuse them! Don’t be shy about checking references either. Qualified pest control services are happy to produce testimonials from pleased customers. Online reviews are a great way to see if the company is the right one for your needs.
‘Pest-Free’ Means ‘Worry-Free’ With the Right Pest Control Team
A company with positive reviews and the correct accreditation is a great start, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve found the right one for you. Your pest control service should give you individual attention from start to finish. When choosing an exterminator and their subsequent service plan, feel free to ask questions. Are they willing to produce their licenses and insurance cards? Can they explain the various pesticides used? Do they require a contract? They should also be open to hearing your individual needs. Children shouldn’t be exposed to certain materials, so ensure you mention them during the consultation. A qualified pest control service can deal with any pest while handling your individual needs. No detail is too small, and you know you’ve found the right company when they listen to every word.