Commercial Scorpion Control Services

Scorpion Identification Guide

What are scorpions?

Scorpions have a segmented body and a long segmented tail that curves up over its body. At the end of its tail is a venom-filled stinger. Scorpions also possess large claws which they use to catch their prey. Their prey is then paralyzed and subdued after being stung by the scorpion’s tail.

Despite having poor vision, scorpions are fierce predators and exceptional hunters. Another interesting fact about scorpions is they give birth to live young. After being born, the young climb onto the mother’s back until the first molt. Scorpions can survive for long periods without food by slowing down their metabolism, but they require a constant water source.

Are scorpions dangerous?

Scorpions are dangerous. While their stings are typically not life-threatening to healthy individuals, they certainly are painful. A scorpion sting can pose bigger problems in small children, the elderly, and those with a compromised immune system. A reaction from a scorpion sting ranges from mild (localized swelling) to severe (anaphylaxis). Avoiding contact with scorpions is important to your health and safety.

Why do I have a scorpion problem?

As predators, scorpions are on the constant search for prey. Scorpions prefer to live in areas with a lot of insect activity. Our yards often provide scorpions with fertile hunting grounds. Most yards have gardens, trees, shrubbery, trash containers, and compost, which provide areas of shelter and food for insects. The more insect activity you have, the more likely there will be scorpions and other predatory pests like spiders to hunt them.

Where will I find scorpions?

Active mainly at night, scorpions hide during the day in sheltered areas that retain moisture. Spaces under rocks and logs, behind tree bark, and under mulch in garden areas are some of their favorite hangouts. If scorpions have moved inside while following their prey or to escape unsuitable weather conditions, they typically move to dark, quiet areas near moisture. Areas under sinks, within hanging clothes or folded towels, or in damp tubs or sinks are all places people may run into scorpions. Scorpions are also good climbers and are often found resting on both interior and exterior walls of a home or outbuilding.

Scorpion Identification & Prevention

What are scorpions?

Scorpions are predatory creatures that belong to the class Arachnida. They have four pairs of legs that end in claws. They also have a pair of large pincers and strong jaws that they use to hunt and hold onto their prey. Their long, segmented tails end with a stinger they use to defend themselves and capture their prey. Scorpions have poor eyesight, and rely on touch and vibrations to navigate.

The most common species of scorpion living throughout is the lesser brown scorpion. The lesser brown scorpion lives a long life, with most living between three and five years.

Are scorpions dangerous?

Scorpions have the potential to be very dangerous to people. Some species have very strong venom that causes serious and life-threatening health risks in people. The good news is the lesser brown scorpion’s venom is not very potent and does not pose a significant health risk to people. However, you should always be careful to avoid lesser brown scorpions as their stings are painful and swelling will develop around the puncture site.

Why do I have a scorpion problem?

The lesser brown scorpion thrives in the warm, tropical climate that Hawaii provides. Any outdoor space has the potential to become a home to scorpions as long as there is plenty of shelter and food. Scorpions feed on a wide variety of creatures, including insects, spiders, other scorpions, and mice. While scorpions mainly live outdoors, they do often find their way into homes, garages, sheds, and other outbuildings while hunting.

Where will I find scorpions?

Outside, lesser brown scorpions live and hide in a variety of places. During the day, these nocturnal creatures hide under boards, trash, rocks, fallen trees, and mulch. They also seek shelter under houses. Scorpions will move into homes and other structures through openings they find in the foundation or exterior walls while hunting, or to escape the heat. They also get in through open doors and windows. Indoors, they hide in crawl spaces, behind walls, in attics, and under sinks in kitchens and bathrooms.

Venomous Pests

What are venomous pests?

Venomous creatures inject their venom into their victims by biting (spiders) or stinging (scorpions). Some of the most common venomous creatures to pose health risks to people are brown recluse spiders, black widow spiders, and bark scorpions.

Bark Scorpions

Bark scorpions are light brown to brownish-yellow in color, with dark, lengthwise bands. Their slender tails are yellow to light brown in color. They also have elongated, thin pinchers.

Black widow spiders

Easily identifiable by an orangish-red “hourglass” marking on the underside of their abdomen, these spiders also have light red or white markings on their abdomen and backs.  They also have round bodies that are shiny black in color.

Brown recluse spiders

These spiders have a “violin-like” pattern found on the top of their bodies, and they have 3 pairs of eyes that are distinctly arranged in a semi-circle.

Are venomous pests dangerous?

Venomous pests are dangerous. Not all venomous pests have venom that is strong enough to cause health concerns for people, but many do, including brown recluse and black widow spiders, and bark scorpions. The venom from black widow spiders affects a person’s nervous system. The severity of symptoms depends on the location of the bite and how much venom is injected. A brown recluse’s venom causes the tissue around the bite to ulcerate.

Why do I have a venomous pest problem?

If you are experiencing a spider or scorpion problem in or around your home, it is because its environment is providing them with comfortable living conditions. Spiders are attracted to properties that offer them plentiful places to live and forage for food. Gardens, wood piles, heavy vegetation, and large populations of insects and other prey can attract venomous pests to properties. Bark scorpions are attracted to trees, walls, and objects with rough surfaces. Once on your property, it is usually only a matter of time until these venomous pests find their way inside while searching for food.

Where are venomous pests commonly found?

Outside, spiders are found living and creating their webs or burrows in gardens, shrubs, bushes, overgrown vegetation, tall grasses, between rocks and stones, and in woodpiles. These environments provide them with safe shelter and plenty of access to food. Spiders and scorpions often find their way inside homes, garages, sheds, and other buildings accidentally while out foraging for food. They may also intentionally enter homes and other buildings to seek a more hospitable habitat. Inside, spiders and scorpions prefer to hide out in dark, quiet places like in the corners of closets, in basements, in boxes, in clothing and shoes, under bedding and furniture, in attics, behind wall voids, in crawl spaces, and underneath sinks. Scorpions can also be found in bathtubs and scaling the walls of dark spaces.

Bark Scorpion


Generally between ¼” – 3” and light tan in color, this is the most common scorpion in southern.  The venom in this scorpion contains a potent neurotoxin.  It has two slender claws and a tiny black dot above its stinger.


The bark scorpion is an excellent climber.  This scorpion is commonly encountered running up walls or on ceilings in structures.  Some favorite resting areas for this scorpion is under tree bark or palm fronds.  The bark scorpion is nocturnal and is active in year round.  It will feed on many different soft bodied insects and arachnids including other scorpions.  Female scorpions give birth to live scorpions that stay on her back for a short period of time


A thorough inspection and integrated approach is required for scorpion control.  Scorpions are hardy creatures and pesticide applications only are not likely to eliminate their presence in or around a structure.  Sanitation is a key element in reducing the likelihood of a problem.  Some examples include cleaning up piles of leaves, wood, or other cellulose debris around the foundation of the home

Palm trees should be trimmed regularly and skinned.  Any trees touching the structure must be cut back.  Exclusion is also very important.  Cracks, crevices, gaps, and voids must be sealed off with caulking and fine screening.  Doors need to be tight fitting and vents screened.  The final step is food source reduction, minimizing the amount of general pest insects around the property that scorpions prey on.  When these steps are taken, scorpions are less likely to infest a home or business.

How Do Scorpions Get in the House?

When it comes to pests, scorpions rank high on the list of those to avoid. And although a scorpion’s sting is rarely fatal, it can cause a wide range of reactions. Scorpion control is one of the many services offered

Common Reasons Scorpions Invade Homes

Like most of the critters that prompt homeowners to call for professional pest control, scorpions tend to invade homes in search of food. The best way to prevent them from coming inside is to seal off points of entry. Sometimes, though, these pests hitch a ride in boxes, plants, and other items we bring into our houses. Check all items before bringing them indoors to avoid unpleasant surprises

Popular Points of Entry

Preventing entry in the first place is the best form of scorpion control. The following locations around your home are common ways that scorpions can gain indoor access:


Wall voids

Gaps under doors

Torn screens

Spaces around windows

Openings around plumbing

Inspect your home for possible scorpion entryways. Replace damaged weather strips, and fill in gaps, cracks, and holes with caulking. Place wire mesh over vents. In addition to providing preventive scorpion control

Other Types of Scorpion Control

There are many other precautions you can take to keep scorpions at bay. Keep your grass short, and avoid having plants or bushes within a couple of feet of your home. Eliminate or move firewood piles, rocks, tree limbs, and other debris or clutter that act as shelter for scorpions. Don’t forget to check your garage, shed, and any other outbuildings that could be harboring scorpion fugitives

Cockroaches Control Advice

Finding and Killing Cockroach Eggs

The moment you spot a cockroach making a beeline to some corner of your house, mark it and get ready to kill an entire colony of pests and their eggs. Kill all the cockroaches and their eggs in that corner. Cupboards, bookcases, the underside of stove burners, and kitchen trolleys are the favorite places of roaches when it comes to laying eggs. Mostly, cockroaches lay eggs near leftovers that are not properly disposed and also near food items that are not safely stored in air-tight containers.

How to Kill Cockroach Eggs

You can vacuum the eggs out, burn them or pour some boric acid over them to completely eliminate them. You can also use natural pesticides or try out some home-based remedies, such as a mixture of sugar and baking soda, to gain some control over the cockroach population.

How to get rid of roaches naturally

Kitchen is the most common place, where cockroaches find their home and it is difficult to kick them out. They can poison your food, as they carry disease-causing germs as well as bacteria that infect your food and may harm your health. Here is a list of best DIY pest control ideas to remove cockroaches from kitchen and rest of your house.

Silica aerogel and sugar

Silica aerogel is an effective ingredient to get rid of cockroaches. Mix silica aerogel and sugar in 3:1 ratio. Sprinkle this mix around the cockroach-infested places. Repeat the process for best results.

Peppermint oil

Mix 10 drops of peppermint oil with 250 ml of water. Mix these two thoroughly and spray around cockroach infested areas. Repeat the process for immediate results.

Pepper, onion and garlic

Prepare a solution of pepper powder, onion paste and garlic and then mix it in one litre water. Sprinkle the solution around the infested places. The smell of the mixture will keep them away.

Neem leaves

Make a paste using handful of neem leaves and water. Now, filter the water and pour this liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture in the infested areas at night.

How to Prevent Cockroaches in Bedroom?

Prevention is always better than cure. But if you failed to stop roaches from entering your bedroom and they already got inside, it’s important that you get rid of them and kill them completely. To eliminate them and keep them out of your house, you need to make your house and rooms less inviting and maintain a clean environment. Here are 5 practical tips that will help you prevent cockroaches in your bedroom:

1. Don’t Leave the Food Uncovered

Cockroaches thrive on sugary foods, so you would want to keep all your food covered. Since bedrooms aren’t really the place to keep food, a lot of us are in the habit of eating in our rooms, or storing snacks somewhere in the cupboards. Therefore, be sure to keep them in air tight containers and not to leave dirty dishes in the room for too long. Roaches can also make their way into pet food as well, so don’t leave that uncovered either.

2. Fix Leaky Taps

Any leaky taps will create a moist and humid environment, which is ideal for roach breeding. Dry and cold environments prevent roaches from entering your room. Absence of water can kill them within a week, while they can survive without food for as long as four weeks. Therefore, you need to fix any leaks in the washroom or kitchen to keep them from entering the bedroom.

3. Keep Your Room Clean

Goes without saying, clean and hygienic conditions will keep the roaches out of your room and eventually, your house. Cluttered rooms are highly welcoming for roaches so you should keep your room decluttered. Garbage cans attract oriental and German cockroaches like a magnet, so if you have any in the room, make sure to keep them clean and empty them regularly.

4. Seal any Entry Points

Sewers, drains, plumbing pipes, crawl spaces under the floor are all entry points for the roaches, so make sure they’re all cleaned regularly and sealed properly. They breed in warm and moist places so they are naturally found near taps and plumbing pipes. Keep your cabinets and shelves clean and dry at all times.

5. Clean the Trash Can

Make sure to take the trash out on an everyday basis and clean the garbage can every now and then as well. Also be careful not to dispose off any beverages or sauces into the trash since that can attract roaches who feed on such conditions. A common mistake people make is of keeping trash uncovered in the kitchen or bedroom. Foul smelling trash is a big yes for roaches.

What attracts roaches?

If you have cockroaches, you may think that your home is dirty. However, that isn’t the truth, especially if you live in Dallas! Texas is full of cockroaches because they love the humidity. And, everything is humid in Texas. Cockroaches love the moisture. Whether it’s an annoying leaky pipe or a wet bathmat, it’s paradise as far as cockroaches are concerned.

But, if you don’t have anything wet in your home, that doesn’t mean you’re immune to cockroaches. They love your trash, dirty dishes, food left on the counter, and crumbs. Have kids? That pretty much means you’re running a cockroach hotel! They love cleaning up after your children, but unlike your dog, they are vile and not welcome in the house.

Do cockroaches climb beds?

Although they might seem like tiny creatures, they sure can climb beds, especially in the night when its dark. As we’ve discussed before, roaches thrive on darkness and dampness. Although their favorite place might be the kitchen and washrooms, they might crawl up to your bed just casually. This doesn’t necessarily have much to do with how clean your room is since a lot of other factors contribute to their presence.

Do roaches hide in mattresses?

It’s very unusual for roaches to hide in mattresses, however, you must check underneath them and clean them regularly to avoid them from making their home there.

Will keeping lights on keep roaches away?

We have established the fact that roaches are fond of darkness and that is where you will usually find them. But, unfortunately, leaving lights on doesn’t do much to keep roaches away. They will find other darker spots to hide until a full blown infestation is ready. This is when you’ll see them in broad daylight as well, which is alarming. Therefore, you should locate their breeding source as soon as you see them roaming around during the day.

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Without An Exterminator

Pest Control & Exterminators

SOONER OR LATER, we’re all pestered by pests. Whether it’s ants in the kitchen or weeds in the vegetable garden, pests can

be annoying and bothersome. At the same time, many of us are concerned that the pesticides we use to control pests can cause problems too. How can pests be controlled safely? When and how should pesticides be used? This is intended to help answer these questions. The questions have no single right answer, but our Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety gives the information you need to make informed decisions. You should be able to control pests without risking your family’s health and without harming the environment. The major goals of this site is to help you understand.

What steps to take to control pests in and around your home. What alternatives to chemical pesticides are available, including pest prevention and non-chemical pest controls. How to choose pesticides and how to use, store, and dispose of them safely. How to reduce your exposure when others use pesticides. How to choose a pest control company. What to do if someone is poisoned by a pesticide.

PLANTS, insects, mold, mildew, rodents, bacteria, and other organisms are a natural part of the environment. They can benefit

people in many ways. But they can also be pests. Apartments and houses are often hosts to common pests such as cockroaches, fleas, termites, ants, mice, rats, mold, or mildew. Weeds, hornworms, aphids, and grubs can be a nuisance outdoors when they get into your lawn, flowers, yard, vegetable garden, or fruit and shade trees. Pests can also be a health hazard to you, your family, and your pets. It’s easy to understand why you may need and want to control them. Nowadays, you can choose from many different methods as you plan your strategy for controlling pests. Sometimes a non-chemical method of control is as effective and convenient as a chemical alternative. For many pests, total elimination is almost impossible,

but it is possible to control them. Knowing your options is the key to pest control. Methods available to you include pest prevention, non-chemical pest controls, and chemical pesticides. Each of these methods will be described in more detail in the sections

Pest Management

The most effective strategy for controlling pests may be to combine methods in an approach known as integrated pest management (IPM) that emphasizes preventing pest damage. In IPM, information about pests and available pest control methods is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. An example of using the IPM approach for lawn care is presented in the next section of this

Identify the pest problem. This is the first and most important step in pest control—figuring out exactly what you’re up  against. Some pests (or signs of them) are unmistakable—most people recognize a cockroach or a mouse. Other signs that  m1ake you think “pest” can be misleading. For example, what may look like a plant “disease” may be, in fact, a sign of poor soil

How to Find & Hire a Professional Pest Control Company

What Do Exterminators vs. Pest Control Companies Do?

Exterminator and pest control company are interchangeable these days. These services treat existing pest or rodent infestations and help prevent future invasions. Reputable pros practice integrated pest management (IPM).

How Does Pest Control Work?

Unlike one-time extermination, pest control is a long-term process that relies on regular inspections, preventive measures, chemical and non-chemical treatments. Integrated services may save homeowners time and money by preventing expensive structural damage or infestation caused by pests like termites and bed bugs.

IPM practices attempt to control and/or eliminate insects and rodents through these five steps:

Inspection – A pro will check areas in and around your home where insects or rodents are common.

Prevention – After an inspection, pros will recommend measures like reducing food or water sources or performing structural maintenance.

Identification – Accurate identification helps a pro select the most effective treatment with the least impact to people, pets and the environment.

Treatment – This may be chemical, non-chemical or a combination of the two.

Monitoring – Pros will follow up to ensure treatment is effective. He/she will also suggest a schedule of regular inspections.

What Do Pest Control Companies Use?

Professionals often start with non-chemical pest control. If those methods don’t work, they might use a chemical treatment containing one or more active ingredients proven to kill or repel the insect.

In most cases, manufacturers register active, pest-control ingredients with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This registration indicates the product has been tested to determine potential environmental or human side effects. You can find this information on the product label and in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

How To Choose The Most Qualified Pest Exterminator

When Should I Use Professional Pest Control?

When you have a pest control problem, it’s best to contact an exterminator. Realizing you need a professional is easy. However, because there are so many to choose from, knowing which company to hire can be overwhelming. Not all pest control companies are equal. Do your research – you don’t want to hire just any random company

How Do I Choose A Pest Control Company?

When considering a pest control company, find out if they are licensed. Are they bonded? Most importantly, are they properly trained? These are things you need to know before letting pest control technicians into your home.

Being licensed, bonded, and trained better qualifies a pest control company to treat your residence or business. You can confirm that a company is licensed by contacting the local agency that issues pest control operators’ licenses. A pest control company must be bonded to ensure they will pay for any damage that might occur when your home or business is being serviced. Often the state pesticide agency will offer certifications and training to local pest control companies. Don’t be afraid to ask a pest control technician questions about the specifics of his/her training

Pest Control Do it Yourself or Hire a Professional?

Most of the animal and plant species that share our world do not make a nuisance of themselves. Many are beneficial, such as ants and termites, when they do not interfere with human property and activities. In fact, less than 1 percent of all species are pests that negatively affect our lives by invading our space, damaging our property and threatening our health.

Rodents (rats and mice) annually consume and contaminate about 20 percent of the world’s food supply. Without pest control, half of our food might be destroyed by crop and stored product pests. Rodents also do untold damage to property – their gnawing is a suspected cause of fires attributed to unknown causes. As for insects, termites alone cost Americans about $1.5 billion each year in damage repair and control – more than the combined cost of all natural disasters.

Pest tolerance in crop land is usually based on the cost of control. Sometimes pests can be numerous and do considerable damage to a crop before the cost of that damage outweighs the cost of control. However, we are less tolerant of pests in the urban environment. Most of us are very concerned upon finding insects living with us, so much that the presence of a single cockroach or flea will prompt pest control in the home.

Structural pest control decisions are sometimes based more on emotion than economy. After all, fear of arthropods (insects, spiders and their kin) is our third most common fear (behind public speaking and heights), and spiders are the second most feared animal (behind snakes)

While fear, often unfounded, can sometimes be the stimulus for initiating pest control services, some pests do pose a very real threat to humans. Health concerns associated with structural pests include venomous stings and bites in addition to the transmission of diseases including food poisoning, allergies and Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Pests also can have a psychological impact on us, for example, from the unsettling feeling of knowing (or suspecting) you are living with insects, spiders, rats or mice.

Tips for Choosing a Pest Professional

In order to get the quality service you need, however, you will want to use the following steps to ensure you get the best:

Find out if the exterminator in Baltimore has experience with your type of pest problem. Sometimes, pest control companies specialize, but you will want one with expertise with your specific pest problem.

Best practice – get references. There really is no substitute for this, so go with one that comes with referrals from your friends or relatives that have used the company.

Find out if the Baltimore exterminator is trained and licensed.

Look to see if there are any guarantees. If they are dealing with termites, you also want to know if they have liability insurance – just in case they never actually get rid of them.

Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are complaints against the company. Your state will also have a similar list.

Get at least 2 or 3 estimates before you buy, then compare services offered and price before you choose one.

Find out how long the service is good for. There will be a contract, and it will state how many months the Maryland exterminator will service your home or business.

Learn what chemicals they use and how they are distributed in your home or business. In most cases, you want to go for limited amounts and limited distribution. Note that warmer climates may require a wider usage.

Understand how often treatments are repeated and how many treatments are covered in the contract.

For termite contracts, find out if the damaged wood will be replaced, and when reinspections will be performed. Also learn about where treatment stations will be placed and the types of chemicals used – get the labels.

Find out what the company will do in the way of prevention, how long it will take, and how often they need to return for inspections, cleanup, etc.

Depending on the particular pest, your service professional should always perform the services as covered in the Agreement. Do not expect anything to be done for you if it is not in print. Make sure that you understand all aspects of the Agreement, too, before you sign anything.

How To Rodent Proof Your Home


Ultrasonic electronic pest and insect repellent devices claim that their high-frequency soundwaves are intolerable to rodents and insects.

However, simply plugging in one of these devices probably won’t end your pest woes. It’s important to understand exactly what these devices can do before investing in one.

These products are by no means a quick fix, and none of them claim 100% effectiveness on any pest, so they need to be kept in perspective as a possible contributor to an overall pest management system, not as a magic weapon.

If you’re thinking of adding electronic repellents to your pest-control system, follow these guidelines:

  • Keep Trapping: The best results for both rodents and insects come from using ultrasonic pest repellents along with trapping. Simply put, soundwaves cause the pests to scurry around, which drives them right into your traps.
  • Expect Diminishing Returns: Pests such as rodents become accustomed to the sound from ultrasonic devices over time, so results may only be temporary.
  • Have Realistic Expectations: Even the successful research on ultrasonic pest control devices shows a percentage of decrease, not a total elimination of rodent and insect pests.
  • Device Location: Soundwaves from ultrasonic pest control devices are short-range and very weak, so they’re easily blocked by furniture, walls and corners. To test out the location of your device, place a lamp next to the device, turn off all the other lights, and note the beams and shadows from the lamp. The repellent sound waves will pretty much only be active where the light reaches.

How Electronic Pest Repellers Claim to Work

These devices, which you plug into an outlet like a nightlight, are supposed to repel pests by emitting an irritating sound. The frequency of the ultrasonic sound waves they produce is too high for human ears to detect. But bugs and rodents, such as cockroaches, crickets, mice and rats, can hear this high-frequency sound.

The theory behind these devices is that the sound will make pests uncomfortable, disrupt their eating habits and cause them to leave the area—whether it’s your living room, basement, or garage.

But studies have shown mixed results.

So, do they really work?

The short answer is no, ultrasonic rodent repellents don’t work. Some homeowners have noted an immediate effect at first, but over time the rodent problem will continue to persist. Mice are fairly resilient and adaptable, so while the sound may bother them at first, eventually they will grow accustomed to it or find an alternative route. The frequency of most also don’t travel very far from the device, usually about 10-20 feet.

The real reason you may have a rodent problem has to do with structural issues, which this product alone will not help treat. Rodents are often invited indoors through gaps in the exterior of your home such as vents, damaged roofing, drain pipes, cracks in the foundation and even slipping underneath doors.

Prevention Tips

Even though ultrasonic rodent repellents ultimately don’t prevent rodents, prevention is key to eliminating rodents in your home. Here are a few reliable prevention methods:

  • Use door sweeps to limit rodents’ ability to slide underneath.
  • Keep potential hiding places (firewood, outdoor furniture, etc.) far from your home’s entrances.
  • Cover vents with mesh to block entrances.
  • Look for holes in the exterior of your home, especially where cables or pipes enter your home. Some of these spots are large enough for mice to sneak through. A good, quick fix is steel wool or caulking these areas.

Are These Devices Safe?

The weak sound waves and limited range are safe for the people inside the household. Human ears cannot detect the noise of a pest control device. On the other hand, pests such as a rodent, insect, and other little critters have a more sensitive hearing and will not get used to these sounds.

However, other pets can hear high-frequency sounds and get irritated too. Other animals keep ignoring the ultrasonic sound waves, but if it’s too loud, they might get frightened or annoyed.

Though no physical harm is at stake, when using these pest repellers, just try to strategically place these devices away from your pets to make them feel comfortable.

A good feature some of these devices would even promote safety because of its LED light, and it can help as a night light.

Do Mothballs Keep Mice Away?

Mothballs are seen as a DIY mouse control method because they contain naphthalene.

Naphthalene is a pungent smelling white, solid substance. When it is inhaled or consumed it can cause blood cells to lose their oxygen-carrying properties. This is why it was/is believed that moth balls would be an effective rat and mouse repellent.

It is believed that by placing mothballs near a mouse nest you will get rid of your rodent problem. However, this is not the case:

  • The amount of naphthalene found in mothballs is a small dosage. The levels of naphthalene needed to repel mice and rats is the same needed for humans. There have often been cases where mice have walked over the mothballs paying no attention to them whatsoever.
  • Even if rats and mice were bothered by the smell from mothballs near their nest entrance they would soon find another. This would be either by fitting through a gap the size of a R5 coin, or gnawing at a surface to create a new passage.

Watch Out For Snakes

Home Remedies to Keep Snakes Away

Snakes – scaly, legless creatures that slither into your yard and sometimes even your home. While your first instinct may be to run the other way, there are several benefits to keeping them around. Snakes keep rodent populations under control, with a single snake able to eat 3 to 4 mice at one time. They also eat moles, voles, insects, and even fish.

When Do Snakes Come Out?

Snakes are more commonly encountered when temperatures average between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit; usually during the spring and throughout the summer. They are most active in early morning and late afternoon, as summer temperatures are often too hot for them to be out in during the hottest times of day. Snake activity will pick back up again in late summer and early fall before they go into hibernation or brumation. Brumation is more common in southern states where the climate is warmer and snow is less likely. Snakes don’t actually sleep in brumation but rather their bodies adjust to the lower temperatures, slowing down their metabolism, and making them less active. On warm winter days, brumating snakes will sometimes come out to bask in the sunshine, often surprising unsuspecting people with their presence.

Eliminate Food Supplies

Snakes are often found in areas where rodents are present as this is one of their primary food sources. Snakes are also known to eat frogs, birds, moles, voles, insects, and even fish. If you have a problem with any of these animals, consider getting rid of that pest issue first. Once the source of food has been eliminated, snakes will move on in search of another source of food.

Eliminate Hiding Places

Snakes prefer dark, damp places and are known to live and hide in cracks, crevices, and holes. Eliminating these hiding places can help deter snakes from taking up residence on your property. Carefully inspect the exterior of your home and your property and repair any cracks or holes you find. Repair any damaged gutters, piping, and ventilation ducts. Repair or replace any damaged screens on windows and doors. Snakes will also hide in wood piles and compost heaps. If possible, store firewood in sealed, lockable wood boxes. Try to get rid of any piles of wood chip mulch, straw mulch, leaves, etc. that may be collecting on your property.

Change Up Your Landscaping

If your yard or garden is prone to snakes, consider making changes that will deter these pests from coming in. Garden regularly to remove any snake attractants like debris, holes, and overgrowth. Keep the grass cut short to eliminate hiding places for snakes. Consider installing snake-proof fencing made of steel mesh, plastic sheeting, or catch net. If you do install fencing, make sure it is flush with the ground and angled outward and that it is at least 3 feet high and 4 feet deep. You can also use materials that make it difficult for snakes to slither over like holly leaves, pine cones, egg shells, and gravel. You can also consider planting snake repellent plants that provide a natural deterrent. Some common examples include marigolds, lemongrass, and wormwood.

Way Snake Repellent

In most cases, snakes and homeowners do not mix well! Here at Priority Pest Services, we have a treatment for keeping snakes away. It is called Snake Away! One might ask, “Does that stuff really work?” The answer is yes, when properly applied by a pest control professional, indeed it does!

Snake away is a repellent product to help repel snakes away from your home. We put it in key locations flower beds or can broadcast throughout your yard or underneath your home. We can also set up a trapping service for snakes using various traps or whatever is deemed to be appropriate for that job. We trap and remove the snakes from the property.

How Does Snake-A-Way Work?

The Snake-A-Way is a granular product that contains ingredients that cause snakes to become unsure of their environment by affecting their nervous systems. Snakes use their tongue to test the air and surfaces around them. Then, they bring the tongue into the mouth and touch it to a special organ in the roof of the mouth that sends signals to the brain giving it information about its surroundings and any prey that may be near.

Snake-A-Way contains an ingredient that interferes with those signals to the snake’s brain, causing it to be uneasy and unsure of its surroundings and thus it goes somewhere else. When properly applied by a professional like those at Priority Pest Services (it does contain ingredients that need care in handling) it will keep the snakes away from your home, shed or yard.


It is rare to encounter a snake problem in Trinidad. As shy creatures, if you see one, it is likely that they will simply be passing-by as quickly as possible. They tend to avoid contact with people so will steer clear of you and your pets.

Problems will need to be dealt with using very specific skills. If you have concerns regarding a snake issue, we would urge you to contact your local Zoo for specialist help and advice.

Snake Bites

There are hundreds of species of snakes around the world but only a low percentage of these are venomous. In Trinidad the only venomous native snake is the Adder also known as the Common Viper.

Types of Venomous Snake Bites

The recommended first aid for snake bites will also vary according to species. Treatment for a snake bite is defined according to whether the venom is cytotoxic, haemotoxic or neurotoxic and the wrong treatment will not only be of little or no help but could even be dangerous.

The Venom from Adders and Vipers is Cytotoxic

Generally two puncture marks at the site of the bite.

Bite causes instant pain, immediate swelling, bruising and blistering.

Symptoms include nausea and dizziness.

Immobilise the limb but don’t restrict the blood flow.


Although many snake species in Southern Africa can be harmless and generally avoid people, they may strike when threatened, causing painful bites to humans or animals. To the unsuspecting eye, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a venomous and non-venomous snake – making professional snake relocations the safest option if you find one or more on your property. When snakes in your backyard or on commercial grounds become a real problem, The Pest Control Specialists offers an effective snake relocation service to protect your property.


We use expertly trained snake wranglers with all neccessary adn up-to-date permits to provide snake relocations programmes

Snakes are relocated to protected habitat areas

Snake relocation does not involve the use of any poisons, chemicals and does not harm the animal

All of the snake relacation service providers that we use are registered with the appropriate conservation departments


Snake relocations are done in safe and  environmentall manner with no harm on the animal


Whether you own a private residence or manage a large commercial establishment, we can provide snake awareness training to you, your staff and family to ensure peaceful co-existence with our indigenous South African reptiles


Mow your lawn regularly. Snakes like to hide in tall grass and weeds.

Seal cracks in your property’s foundation, patio or other areas that may invite snakes to seek warmth.

Compost piles offer a great hiding place for snakes as well as rodents and insects. Keep it contained and be sure to turn it regularly.

Remove any piles of debris and trim overgrown vegetation where snakes can hide

Store woodpiles or any other stacked materials off the ground.

Snake trapping

No one expects to see a snake slithering through their property, and chances are any snake inside your home is just as confused! While most snakes in Richmond and Northern Virginia are harmless, they still belong in the outdoors. Especially because one type of poisonous snake, the copperhead, is common in our region, it’s important to call a professional for snake trapping, removal, and exclusion services.

Common snakes in the area

Thankfully, most snakes in Richmond and Northern Virginia are typically harmless or non-poisonous. For the most part, the following types of snakes aren’t aggressive and do not seek to make contact with humans: eastern garter snake, rat snake, ring-necked snake, and northern black racer. The one snake residents need to worry about are copperheads, which are light brown in color and have triangular-shaped heads. If you notice this snake in or near your property, it’s time to call a professional snake removal expert.

Snake exterminator services

Snakes can be unpredictable and tricky to trap and remove. For this reason alone, it’s important to call a professional to help remove or exclude snakes from your property. Ehrlich Pest Control, formerly Connor’s provides exceptional snake trapping, removal, and exclusion services

How snakes get inside

Once inside, snakes are known to hide in small, dark spaces, such as behind appliances or in crawl spaces. Although they prefer to be outdoors, snakes may find themselves inside your home for a number of reasons:

They’ve tracked down rodents in or near your property.

They made their way through a small crack or gap beneath a door.

They were attracted to your shrubbery and tall grass, which provides hiding spots.

They were seeking warmth in colder temperatures.

Trapping & getting rid of snakes

No one wants to deal with a snake inside their property. While mostly harmless, they still strike fear in the heart of many people. Especially with the copperhead snake being so common in our region, it’s always best to contact a professional snake trapping company who can properly trap and remove the snake for you

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish In One Week


Besides being a nuisance in your home, silverfish has destructive feeding habits. They can cause extensive problems by damaging valuable books, photographs, paintings, plaster and other household items containing starch or cellulose. This nocturnal and discreet pest which can cause an infestation to go unnoticed for a long period of time until substantial damages have been done. Silverfish can also survive in most environments, but thrive in conditions of high humidity and can often be found in dark, damp areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, basements and attics

Silverfish’s Usual Hiding Place

Kitchens or Bathroom- under sinks and kitchen cabinets

Laundry area – behind wallpaper, window or door frames

Storage areas – in storage boxes, bookcases, old stacks of newspapers and magazines

What Attracts Silversish?

Silverfish are attracted to damp areas with 75% – 95% humidity, hence it is recommended to reduce the humidity with dehumidifiers and fans. Seal cracks and crevices on walls, floors, and holes around pipes to deter silverfish’s entrance.

Effective Silverfish Treatment from Rentokil

At Rentokil, our experts are fully trained, licensed professionals with knowledge of the habits and lifecycle of silverfish. Our industry approved trainings enable us to treat and get rid of silverfish as effectively as possible.

We offer a range of solutions such as residual spraying that are highly targeted at the places that silverfish commonly hides we also have a range of effective solutions such as residual spraying that are highly targeted at the places that silverfish commonly hides

Home Pest Control: Silverfish Identification, Prevention, and Removal Tips

silverfish are small, wingless insects found throughout the U.S., often in residences. They are thought to be one of the oldest insects in existence. These bugs have been around for 400 million years, which is altogether 100 million years before the existence of dinosaurs. Although harmless to humans, silverfish can damage many starchy materials and items within the home. Learning how to prevent and get rid of silverfish is important information for all homeowners to know.

Silverfish infestations can be daunting because they reproduce quickly, can go for long periods without eating and come out only at night. Silverfish damage household items people don’t often look at or think about, like old books stored in basements and seasonal sweaters tucked away in the garage. This means an infestation can get worse over many months before a homeowner will notice. When the infestation is discovered, it can be hard to tell if remediation efforts are working. Worst of all, many traditional pest control poisons have no effect on silverfish.

How to Identify Silverfish

Silverfish are slender and lithe. They have a wide head and abdomen plus a narrow, pointed back end. They’re silvery gray, often shiny, and have six legs, which gives them a fragile and delicate appearance. Most people identify silverfish by their double antenna and three long appendages on the side of their bodies opposite their head. These three long appendages coming from the rear look like additional antennas.

Where Are Silverfish Commonly Found?

Silverfish can be found in many parts of the country and in different environments. However, silverfish are most commonly found in dark and damp locations. Inside a home, silverfish are found in basements, bathrooms, attics, garages and kitchens. Damp clothing and paper attract silverfish, so they’re often found in homes with a lot of clutter, starchy materials, and/or books.

Additional Silverfish Facts

Silverfish have some interesting adaptations, possibly because the species is so ancient. The following characteristics make silverfish different from many other species of insects.


Silverfish are fast-moving, nocturnal insects that have many of the same habits as cockroaches. Like cockroaches, silverfish can trigger allergic reactions in some people, but are primarily nuisance pests that don’t bite and are not likely to spread pathogens that cause disease. However, they can contaminate food, damage paper goods and stain clothing, so you definitely don’t want them hanging around your home

What are silverfish?

As their name suggests, silverfish are (typically) silver or gray insects. The wingless adults are about one-half of an inch to an inch in length and their flat bodies help them to slip easily into crevices.


Silverfish are sensitive to moisture and need high levels of humidity (above 75 percent) to survive, so they’re attracted to humid, damp conditions. You can find often find silverfish in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, garages and cabinets. They can stray out of high humidity areas for a short period of time, but in general, they need higher humidity.

Warm, dark places

Silverfish typically prefer dark hiding places with temperatures between 70–90 degrees.

Carbohydrates and protein

Silverfish eat carbohydrates like flour, rolled oats and starches in cardboard boxes, paper, book bindings, glue and insulation. They also eat protein, such as dried beef and dead insects.

Tips To Avoid Silverfish

“Why would anyone want to get rid of slimy bugs?” said no one, ever. Let’s be honest. Silverfish are gross. Whether you’re seeing one every once in awhile, or you’re finding them in your hair when you wake up, sitting on your toothbrush when you get ready for the day, or in startling places when you turn lights on in your home, these are definitely a bothersome pest. So, how can you avoid having silverfish in your home? There are really only two ways to avoid silverfish. Here’s what you need to know.

Remove Moisture

When you find silverfish in your home, it is usually because you have holes that have developed because of water damage–not always, but usually. This is because silverfish are a moisture pest.  Therefore, addressing moisture issues and sealing those holes will go a long way to stopping your silverfish problem.

Remove Entry Points

Every home has holes. But not every home that has holes has silverfish.If the foundation around your home is clear of weeds and mostly dry, you’ll have fewer silverfish up next to your foundation walls. When you have fewer silverfish near your walls, you have fewer silverfish looking for a way to get in.

Once water issues are dealt with, it is time to seal things up. Do a detailed inspection of your exterior walls and seal any holes you find. Remember that silverfish are tiny insects. You’ll need to pay close attention to the seal around windows, pipes, utilities, and vents. If you don’t have the money to fix things properly, use a caulking gun for a temporary fix

Still Having Issues?

The above suggestions are not always easy to implement. Every home is different, and every home presents different challenges. You may have shaded areas that prevent rainwater from drying up quickly after it rains. You may have moisture or wetness issues because of other reasons. And, sealing tiny holes is often problematic. That is why many homeowners seek the assistance of a professional pest control company like American Pest. One of our educated and certified pest professionals will create conditions in your yard and on your property that will directly address pest pressures, so fewer Silverfish are able to find tiny holes in your defenses. Contact us today to get your pest control plan in place.

Silverfish; The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Sometimes silver fish are good.

You walk into the home of a friend and see a large aquarium in the corner. Soft light filters through the water onto the colorful stones and castles and various plants. Then there is a flash of silver. Lots of flashes. See, your friend is an avid aquarist and he has discovered the beauty of the Silver Dollar fish. He has several of these oval fish swimming together in a “school,” and they are quite pretty.

Sometimes silverfish are bad.

You walk into the bathroom in your friend’s house and see a large jetted tub in the corner. Soft light filters in through the stained glass windows and plays upon the beautiful bathroom fixtures. But then you see a silverfish, two silverfish, three! They are coming out from underneath the tub. Startled, you quickly turn on your heel and get out of there as fast as you can. Did your friend’s beautiful aquarium fish somehow escape to the bathroom? No, these are a different kind of silverfish altogether

Facts about silverfish:

These silverfish are not actually fish at all. They are a wingless insect that is silver in color and about ¾ of an inch long. They are thick at the front and have tapering bodies that are shaped like a teardrop.

Silverfish are capable of scaling walls and ceilings, so it is possible for them to drop on you.

These creatures prefer to live in dark, damp places and can live for a long time, sometimes up to 8 years.

Silverfish prefer foods that are high in starches, proteins, and sugars and, if inside a home, can often be found feeding on fabrics, paper, wallpaper, vegetables, pasta, sugar, toothpaste, cardboard, or even dead insects.

Silverfish can live for several months without eating anything.

A female silverfish can produce up to 20 eggs in one day, which she will deposit into protected areas like cracks and crevices.

Silverfish can be extremely hard to kill. They have a high tolerance to insect control products.

These insects are mostly active at night, so they can sometimes go for long periods, multiplying, without being detected.

If left untreated, they can multiply, increasing the chances that they will contaminate food and damage items in your home.

Is it possible to prevent silverfish from invading?

Keeping your house free of food particles may help in keeping silverfish at bay.

Drying out your house by using fans and dehumidifier will also deter silverfish from staying since they thrive in moist environments.Repairing any leaky pipes, sinks, toilets or tubs will also remove sources of moisture that attract silverfish.

Employing a professional pest control company will definitely keep silverfish out.

The professionals here at American Pest enjoy a beautiful aquarium filled with lovely silver colored fish just as much as anyone. But, if you have the kind of silverfish that are ugly and make people run out of your bathroom in disgust, we can help! With the latest up-to-date knowledge and equipment, and you can rest assured that American Pest can take care of silverfish, or any other household pest you may be dealing with in.

When Do Termites Become Active

Tips On How To Choose Termite Control Company

It is always very difficult to handle pest manifestation in a country like Singapore because of its past environmental changes and that is the reason why you need to select the right termite control company. In order to completely eliminate different types of pests, most pest control companies have invested a lot of resource in research as a way of coming up with new research pesticides that are very effective. Termites have always been a nuisance and the fact that the pests multiply at a very fast rate means that appropriate control mechanisms have to be put in place. There are quite a number of companies in Singapore that are known to offer termite control services but some of them may not offer you the best services.


A company that has been in operation for some time will definitely be in a better position to handle difficult cases of termite manifestation. It is always a good idea to consider companies that are very experienced in the field because it is difficult to be an expert in pest control without having dealt with different cases pest manifestation. Employees that have some first hand experiences in pest control are in a better position to do a good job compared to those that do not have any experience.

Company reputation

It is good to ask around and also read some reviews to know something about the reputation of each company. You should find out about the effectiveness of their drugs and service delivery before you can decide to hire them. Companies that produce the best insecticides will definitely have a good reputation compared to those that do not produce quality pesticides. It is not advisable to rely on advertisements because the effectiveness of pesticides can sometimes be exaggerated.

Quality and value of work

Companies that offer the best prices and have quality drugs should be considered when choosing the right termite control company in Singapore. The quality of a particular product determines its prices and you should only pay for a particular product knowing that you get value for your money.Companies that offer guarantee to their products should also be considered especially if you intend to sign up for a long term contract.

The customer relations

It is important to choose a company with the best customer service initiatives if you want to receive quality services. Customers may have different concerns and a good company should be willing to address all of them. The company should be able to explain to you all the possible effects of a particular type of pest control and at the same time clarify all details. The use of a particular pesticide has a certain degree of pest control and behaviour and it is important to choose a company that can explain to you all the details.

Tips To Choose Right Termite Control Services

The expected reaction from the side of home owners when they notice termite infestation in their home is contacting a professional termite control company for assistance. The DIY pest control is not preferred in such a case as the selection of the right treatment is done on the basis of the infestation. Another reason for which you should avoid DIY techniques for termite control is that the professional companies dealing in the pest control Brisbane have the necessary tools and experience to deal with the pests, which, most probably, you may not be having.

However, when you search on the internet or explore your local market, what you find is that there are plenty of pest control companies that claim themselves to be the best in the area. You are likely to get confused that which company you should rush to

Make sure the company meets the licensing requirements

As there are so many pest control service providers in Brisbane and the surrounding areas, great chances are there that many of them have started their services on the basis of their knowledge only. So, what you need to make sure is that the company is having a license for delivering the services. Also, look for the experience they are having in the field

Be sure that they offer an inspection

No doubt that after listening to your issue, they would tell you the treatment options but always remember the surety about the fact that which treatment would be the best needs a thorough inspection of the property. It’s OK if your service provider recommends you different options, but before choosing the one, they should be ready to inspect the property.

Inspect what services they offer

When it comes to the pest control, some agencies offer the services for all types of pest, while some specialize in the eradication of one type of pest only. It can be the termites, insects, rats and more they would be offering the services for. Thus, you must know that what services they offer and whether their services list includes the one you are looking for or not.

Things to Know When Choosing A Termite Company

Trusting a company to rid your home of termites can be nerve-wracking. Its common for many companies to promise things they can’t deliver. There’s a lot on the line when you make this decision and you want to be sure you’re making the right one. Here are three things you should know and consider before you choose a termite company.

Do they promise a guarantee?

When you sign up for termite control knowing that a company will deliver on the services they promise can offer you a peace of mind. However, not every company’s services come with a guarantee. Most professional pest control company should offer a guarantee or ensure you that you’ll receive effective services. Before you sign with a company be sure to look over the terms and conditions you’re agreeing to. Look into the fine print and find out if there is a guarantee, and if so find out how long it is good for.

Do they have a good reputation?

When you’re asking friends and family for recommendations don’t forget to do your own research. Suggestions can be a great indicator of good and reliable services, but that doesn’t guarantee you the best results. Check with your local Department of Agriculture or Better Business Bureau to find out if the company you’re interested in has any complaints filed against them. Also find out if the company is a member of your state’s pest control association and the National Pest Control Association. These memberships are important. A company’s connection with these different associations can reveal that they are up to date on the latest pest control technologies and education.

What’s included in the contract?

Take your time, and review multiple proposals from a large number of companies. Review each proposal thoroughly and ensure the company’s plan matches up with your goals from the treatment. Each proposal should include a detailed description of the company’s plan for chemical treatment procedures, copies of insecticide labels, warranties and information on repair or woodwork. Going with the first company you contact takes away your chance to see the range of treatment options available to you.

Also make sure follow-up inspections are included in your contract. The protection you receive from the company should be ongoing. The contract should include annual or semi annual check ups so you can avoid more infestations in the future.


If you suspect your home is infested with termites, you need to act quickly. The longer you wait to address the problem, the more time these winged pests have to establish a foothold and start eating into your home. If you are able to catch the problem early, you may be able to limit the cost of remediation and take back your home in no time. If you wait just a month or two, the problem could become much more difficult to treat. Worse yet, the longer you wait, the more damage will be done to your home.

Hopefully, you are inspecting your home on a regular basis and watching out for signs of a termite infestation. Conducting a monthly termite inspection is important, since it allows you to get a jump on the problem and address it early. Those monthly inspections also give you time to seek out the best termite protection company in town – a process that can take some time.


Before you hire a termite protection company, you will want to make sure that firm holds the required certifications for your state. You can start by contacting the department of environmental protection for your state and asking about licensure. They will be able to provide the information you need or at least point you in the right direction.


A quality termite protection company will be willing to provide a firm estimate based on a thorough inspection of your home. The contractor should examine your home thoroughly both inside and out, looking for the warning signs of termites and explaining their process as they go. Watch out for companies that are unwilling to provide a firm estimate.


Also watch out for contractors who claim to have a secret formula or proprietary information on treating termites. There are a few tried-and-true treatments for termites, and none of them are secret. A quality contractor will be willing to discuss the remediation process in detail and keep you informed every step of the way.

How To Choose The Best Termite Company?

The termites are considered the most destructive and invasive insects in the world and they are causing worldwide damage worth of billions of dollars each year. In Australia alone, their damage is estimated at more than 100 million dollars. Even though you might have to spend a little in order to get an inspection or a treatment, it’s still much better than to take no action and have much higher repair bills in the long term. There are plenty of pest control companies out there, and in this article, we will take a look at how to choose the best termite company?

Signs of Termites

On the sunshine coast of Australia, 1 in 3 homes is affected by termites. Even though they eat silently, they still give signs and it is important to take action from the first moment you notice them. This way you will limit the damage and reduce the costs

How Long Has The Termite Control Company Been Around For?

If you have a serious medical issue, you would want to visit an older doctor with plenty of years of experience and avoid getting a treatment from a beginner or a student. It’s the same when choosing a pest control company. You want one that has been around for many years and that has plenty of years of experience. Look for quality and value.

Do They Have The Right Credentials To Do The Job?

Not only that the company needs to have knowledge and experience, but it also needs the right certifications. If the company has them, they are usually presented on their website. You can also contact the department of environmental protection in your area and ask for directions.

How Much Will The Treatment Cost

Of course that every homeowner would like to spend as little as possible. But a company that has prices that are way too low compared to the competition, might be suspicious. If the cost is way too small, it might mean that they are not using the most powerful and effective substances and that eventually the termites will not be destroyed.

How To Kill A Silverfish In Your Kitchen

Why Are Silverfish Drawn To Homes?

The same way you will find silverfish in moist/humid places inside your home, you will also find them in moist/humid places around the outside of your home. So, anyplace that traps moisture on the ground is a great place for silverfish to hang out. Here are some of the things that will draw silverfish onto your property and possibly right up next to your home.

  • Leaf piles that are moist on the bottom. If you have leaves that have been sitting awhile, silverfish (and other moisture pests) will love you for it. And the closer these piles are to your home, the more likely these pests may find their way inside.
  • Heavily weeded areas that contain moisture. Thick weeds create shade, and shade does not allow the sun to get in and dry out soil after it rains. This is another place silverfish will hide.
  • Wood lying on the ground. Items such as firewood, construction materials, or other wooden objects that are directly on the ground are great places for silverfish and other pests to hang out. Not only moisture-loving pests but also rodent pests such as mice and rats.
  • Any object that prevents the ground from drying. Large rocks, tarps, toys; these are just a few things that could keep the ground moist and be a harborage for silverfish.
  • Mulch. Mulch is a favorite place for moisture pests.
  • Leaky spigots or clogged or broken gutters. If you have water running down the outside of your home, or water collecting in the soil, this will create conditions that silverfish love. Beyond this, it can also cause the wood on your home to soften, which will make it easier for pests to chew their way in.

How much do you know about the silverfish eggs in your home?

One of the biggest problems with over-the-counter silverfish control is that it rarely addresses a key part of the infestation: silverfish eggs. This happens for a number of reasons – the ingredients aren’t effective on the eggs, homeowners don’t know what the eggs look like or where to find them, correct application is too difficult, silverfish lay eggs year-round, etc.

And even if you can find them and do know how to kill silverfish eggs, there can be so many of them, you can quickly become overwhelmed. Just one inseminated female can produce between 1,500 and 3,500 offspring in her lifetime. The offspring will soon be ready to dart around your home, eating your books, paperwork and other valuables.

Spotting a silverfish egg cluster

Silverfish can lay two or three groups of eggs every single day. Each of these groups contain clusters of between one and 20 eggs, depending on the species. Each silverfish egg measures about 1 millimeter in length, and is more elliptical than circular (though it isn’t quite oval-shaped). When first laid, the eggs are white and soft. After a few hours of exposure to oxygen, the eggs toughen up and turn yellow.

But don’t think for a second that the eggs will be sitting out in the open, ready for easy disposal. When you think about silverfish eggs, picture them tucked away in all the little cracks and crevices in your home, because that’s where they are. Female silverfish hide their eggs to protect them from damage, and unfortunately, from your vacuum, broom and DIY pest control sprays as well.

Silverfish eggs lead to more breeding

The eggs can also be buried in dust, food or cloth, meaning you might open your kitchen or dresser drawers one day and see tiny silverfish scurrying from your family’s clothes or food, running for cover. And once silverfish find a breeding area they like, they emit aggregation pheromones, signaling for all the other silverfish in your home to come and lay eggs.

This crowded gathering helps to regulate the humidity and temperature in the area, making the eggs hatch faster, healthier and more effectively. Depending on the conditions, silverfish eggs can hatch in about 19 to 32 days. The plump, white nymphs that emerge will soon start feeding and molting, until they eventually turn into adult silverfish, ready to lay thousands of silverfish eggs and turn your home into their own.

Where do silverfish hide?

Silverfish prefer moist areas. The first place you’ll usually see them is on the bathroom floor. If you see one silverfish, there is a good chance there are hundreds living in your walls. A single female can lay 100 eggs in her lifetime and it only take 3 months from egg to adult. It doesn’t take long for silverfish populations to get out of hand. They will crawl through your wall voids, pass through attic crawl spaces, get into moist basements, and other dirty moist areas.

How do I get rid of silverfish?

Silverfish are hard to get rid of because they live in your walls and can’t be driven away by hiding food and water sources. A silverfish can live without food and water for a year. You can, however, make them less comfortable by ventilating moist areas and using a dehumidifier. This won’t eradicate them, but it will drive some away, and can keep the rest from coming out of the walls.

Are Silverfish Harmful?

Are Silverfish Harmful to Humans?

As they do not bite, sting, or carry pathogens, silverfish are not harmful to humans. The idea that these pests are dangerous likely arises from their unusual appearance. Silverfish have a metallic coloring and a carrot-shaped body with three long, thin, tail-like appendages that are attached and protrude from their last body segment.

What Problems Do Silverfish Cause?

Silverfish feed on starchy materials and items that are high in protein. They are active at night and cause damage to books, stored food, and clothing. While these insects do cause problems, silverfish are not harmful to human health and do not carry any diseases.

Home Remedies for Silverfish

Spread Boric Acid Along the Floor

Boric acid is an excellent weapon against household bugs like silverfish bugs. When ingested, boric acid can cause havoc in the bug’s stomach. The powder can also scratch and dry out the fish moth’s exoskeleton due to its abrasive nature.

Spread the boric acid along all corners of the floor and in dark spaces such as the wardrobe and bedroom cabinets. Boric acid doesn’t kill pests immediately so you may not notice any effects until a week has passed.

Boric acid should be used carefully despite being a substance that occurs naturally. All safety precautions (e.g. masks, gloves) should be taken to limit the powder’s exposure to your body. Pet owners and families with young children should use food-grade diatomaceous earth as a safer alternative to boric acid.

Reduce Moisture with a Dehumidifier

Silverfish bugs like to relocate to dark, damp places. You should see an immediate difference after the humidity level is reduced in your home. It’s worthwhile investing in a dehumidifier if you live in an area that has high humidity levels.

In some cases, the high humidity may be due to some sort of house maintenance issue, such as a leaking pipe or a leaking roof. Repairing these issues should make a huge difference in the presence of fish moths and other bugs that thrive in high-humidity environments.

Place Cedar Blocks to Repel Silverfish Bugs

Some studies have concluded that cedar can repel pests like silverfish bugs due to the strong aroma that’s given off by the cedar essential oil.

If you don’t mind the scent of cedar then consider placing some cedar blocks in various places around your home, such as the cabinets and windowsills. Cedar hangers may also help keep the silverfish bugs away from your valuable clothes.

Discard Old Newspapers and Cardboard Boxes

Silverfish bugs and fish moths love to feed on starchy paper-based material. Some homeowners have had their valuable books ruined due to a lack of control against the silverfish population. One of the first steps to eliminating silverfish bugs is to discard any unneeded paper materials.

This includes old newspaper, cardboard boxes, old magazines, and crumbling wallpaper. You should also try to donate any books that you are no longer going to read. Hoarding will only make it more likely for silverfish bugs to appear in your home.

Basil Oil And The Scorpion Type Individual

How to Get Rid of Scorpions

Scorpions hide during the day and emerge at night in search of food and water. They generally shy away from people, but can sting if agitated.

By making your property unappealing to scorpions, you are also reducing the chance they will get inside your home. Scorpions themselves are hard to kill unless you make direct contact with the pests themselves. Instead, you will want to treat your property for the small insects scorpions prey on, like crickets and spiders. Scorpions are less likely to live on your property if they cannot find a food source.

To treat your property for scorpions, select an insecticide labeled for scorpions and their prey, such as Demand CS. Other insecticides labeled for scorpions include Onslaught FastCap and Demon WP.

Do not blanket spray your insecticide, instead, apply to cracks, crevices, and voids where scorpions could be hiding. Consult the label of your insecticide for how often you will need to re-treat. Areas with high heat (90 degrees F and hotter) and lots of direct sunlight will require re-treating more often than shaded, cooler areas.

Use Glue Boards to Monitor an Infestation

Glue traps are a simple way to catch scorpions and their food sources. They also allow you to monitor the infestation. As you treat, you should see less insects and scorpions on your glue traps.



Scorpions are found throughout the southern United States from coast to coast. Only one species of scorpion found in the United States could be considered dangerous, and it is found in the extreme southwest in Arizona and southern California. Still, only small children and the elderly are at risk of a fatal sting from this species. Any scorpion sting, however, can be serious to anyone that is allergic to insect stings. A physician should attend to all stings.


To reduce scorpions around a home, eliminate as many piles of items or debris on the ground and keep dense vegetation to a minimum.

All scorpions glow green under black light, so a portable black light can be used outside at night to find where scorpions are harboring.

When a home is chronically invaded by scorpions, it is best to seek the services of a professional such as Terminix® to achieve long-term relief.


Today, an estimated 1,500 species of scorpions call the planet home. However, here in the United States, only approximately 90 species of scorpions can be found. No one wants to be stung by one of these fearsome-looking creatures. Even in mild doses, the neurotoxins contained in scorpion venom can attack the central nervous system. How serious is a scorpion sting, and what should you do if you get stung?


An effective way to help avoid being stung by a scorpion is to understand why they sting at all. Scorpions are hunters. They use their venom — contained in their characteristically hooked tail — to paralyze the small insect prey on which they feed and to protect themselves against predators. Once incapacitated, a scorpion can then grasp its prey with its other distinctive feature: its prominent claws.

Though rare, scorpions do sometimes sting humans. Of course, no matter how aggressive it is, scorpions probably don’t sting humans in hopes of enjoying a feast. Human stings are most often due to the scorpion feeling threatened. Their sting is their best defense against being attacked or getting crushed.


While some scorpions are merely a nuisance, others, like the Arizona Bark Scorpion can deliver a truly nasty and dangerous sting. You can cut your risk of encountering any scorpions by taking some wise preventative measures to protect your home and family. From clearing away scorpion friendly debris to using a blacklight to spot these pests at night, these tips will help you create a scorpion free environment for your family.


Scorpions like the dark, so the debris and decorative items you have in your yard could be attracting the pests to your home. Eliminate any easy scorpion abodes, including piles of leaves, rocks or wood, old flowerpots and furniture and even decorative pieces that offer too many shady crevices to hide in to cut your risk of encountering a scorpion


Check your home for loose shutters, windows or siding that could offer a place for scorpions to enter. If your doors and windows allow a draft or breeze to enter your home, then they are big enough to admit a scorpion as well, so seal any drafty spots right away. Trim trees to eliminate the risk of scorpions entering your home from the roof or second floor.


Scorpions are nocturnal creatures that are active after dark; if you will be outdoors after nightfall, a black light flashlight can help you spot a scorpion before you step on it. Check paths and walkways before stepping down to be sure you stay sting free.


Hire an exterminator to treat your home for related pests; ants, roaches and grasshoppers are all prey animals for scorpions. If you have a lot of these insects in your home or yard, chances are you’ll have a lot of scorpions preying on them as well.

How to Get Rid of Scorpions

Although scorpions are typically found outside, they have been known to invade homes and even cause infestations. To avoid contact with them

Prevention. Thoroughly clean the inside of the house. Carefully pick up all laundry and debris cluttering the floors. Popular indoor hiding places for scorpions include closets, piles of laundry, attics, bathroom or kitchen cabinets, and crawl spaces. If they get into your home, they are usually found in secluded dry areas such as closets and garages. Clean other rarely used spaces.

Think like a scorpion. Know what scorpions like and where they hide. In general, scorpions are drawn to dry areas and their main sources of food are usually small insects and spiders. By keeping your home insect-free, it will make it much less likely that scorpions will be a problem, so general pest control is recommended

Eliminate hiding places. By controlling scorpions outside the home you can also control them inside your home. Remove debris such as loose rocks, stacks of firewood, boards, piles of leaves, tree bark, trash and other unnecessary things around the home. Scorpions like to keep out of the sun by hiding beneath objects so remove these ideal places to hide. They love these areas not only because they provide harborage but because they can find other pest here that they can eat.

Trim and prune. Keep your lawn mowed short and all shrubbery nicely pruned. Trim trees branches and bushes so they don’t reach the exterior of your home. Overhanging tree branches and overgrown bushes can give scorpions a direct path to the roof.

Deny access. Seal all points of entry such as outdoor cracks on the home (e.g. siding, windows, doors, pipes and wires) with caulk or another sealant. Check weather stripping around doors and make sure there are no gaps. Scorpions can get inside your home through torn screens, open vents, and other openings.

How to Choose the Right Pest Control Services for Your Needs

Pests are searching for food, water, and shelter – just like us! Unfortunately, they don’t pay rent, and very few people want to see a cockroach sharing their home. Pests do not need to be a fact of life. Proper pest control services performed regularly can keep your commercial building free of critters. There are a few key factors which you should keep top of mind when choosing the right pest control services for your needs!

Close to Home: Keeping Your Pest Control Services Local

Bugs are beyond gross; they can be dangerous as well. Scorpions, spiders, and rats are only a few of the reasons services are often called upon. Disease-carrying pests can damage your home, harm pets, and cause illnesses to humans. One reason to choose a local pest control service is that they know exactly what types of vermin are likely to show up. You can’t treat what you don’t know, so finding a service who is knowledgeable in the regional pests is crucial. Besides that – when you have a problem, you want it dealt with immediately! Be it a single roach crawling across the bathroom tile or a full-blown scorpion infestation, it’s better not to wait. The right pest control service for your needs is the one who can be there immediately.

Residential or Commercial: A Good Pest Control Company Comes Prepared

Going local with pest control services specific is a great first step, but not the only one. Choosing the right services for your problems takes a bit more research. Checking to make sure they’re licensed and insured to deal with the particular pest you’re plagued with is the first step in picking an exterminator. They should be able to readily produce paperwork proving their qualifications. If they can’t, or they make you feel uncomfortable for any reason, you should walk away. A giveaway for a company who’s just seeking to take your money and run is if they’re unwilling to provide explanations about their pricing, services, or pesticides used. There’s no shame in needing to double-check their facts, but an outright refusal means you refuse them! Don’t be shy about checking references either. Qualified pest control services are happy to produce testimonials from pleased customers. Online reviews are a great way to see if the company is the right one for your needs.

‘Pest-Free’ Means ‘Worry-Free’ With the Right Pest Control Team

A company with positive reviews and the correct accreditation is a great start, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve found the right one for you. Your pest control service should give you individual attention from start to finish. When choosing an exterminator and their subsequent service plan, feel free to ask questions. Are they willing to produce their licenses and insurance cards? Can they explain the various pesticides used? Do they require a contract? They should also be open to hearing your individual needs. Children shouldn’t be exposed to certain materials, so ensure you mention them during the consultation. A qualified pest control service can deal with any pest while handling your individual needs. No detail is too small, and you know you’ve found the right company when they listen to every word.